About Us

Letter From Our Founders

A bit of history from the original owners Bob and Heather Davis

"After many years of experience in the Hardware and Building industry, Bob commenced trading as Hardware and Panel Supplies in the 1980s, offering a mobile service from a Toyota HiAce van. Operating as a "one man band" at the beginning, he called on Cabinetmakers, Builders, Joiners and associated industries selling from stock in the van or ordering in for customers. The large home garage in Glen Eden served as the warehouse and the courier drop off was at his in-laws, also in Glen Eden.

It wasn't too long before the garage became too small and he decided to look for a rental unit somewhere out west. 33A Bruce McLaren Road was advertised for lease. A good size for the business and with a road frontage on a busy thoroughfare it seemed a good place to start. Bob being Bob negotiated with the owner and the end result was that he bought the unit which was a much better deal than leasing. With the help of Peter Davis, his brother, he partitioned off an area for packing, an office for the accounts etc, a counter for retail customers and installed glass sliding doors to create a shop front, the rest of the space was set up with shelving for stock. Bob kept prices competitive and always tried to look after customers by negotiating better deals with suppliers.

Business was growing and customers increasing and Heather joined Bob to handle the office side of things along with storeman Adrian to assist with packing and deliveries. It became more of a family affair when Peter joined the staff a few years later to assist Bob with all aspects of HPS and to handle counter sales. Kim Stewart was employed four days a week to go on the road as a Rep. Kim had been involved as a Sales Rep for some time in the industry and was very knowledgeable of the suppliers we were using I.e.Hettich, Hafele, Bestwood, Prime Panels, Cornalls, MSL and many more. She had a great personality and rapport with the customers and had dealt with many of them for previous employers. When Kim decided to finish her degree to become a Secondary School Teacher Peter took over as Rep and Teresa handled the deliveries and retail sales. Teresa had a good depth of knowledge with her experience as a cabinetmaker so was a real asset and still is to this day. All the staff tried to go the extra mile to ensure everyone had great customer service.

From time to time we held trade breakfasts or evenings for customers to come along and see new products and at Christmas there was always coffee and Christmas cake for anyone who popped in.

We pride ourselves in the fact that we started from scratch and developed a very busy and viable business which is continuing to this day under new ownership, 30 years later."

The H&P Team

Our team today consists of experts here to assist you in finding the perfect solutions for your needs.

With door & kitchen hardware, adhesives, abrasives, fasteners and tools, our products are well-suited to home renovations and professional construction projects alike. Our experts can advise on architectural hardware, cabinets, locks, fastners and more! Call, email or drop in at our store today- we look forward to serving your every need.

The Team at HPS

Teresa Cleaver, Dave Shirley & Ish Nazimali


33A Bruce McLaren Road, Henderson, Auckland
Phone : (09) 836 6773 / 022 695 6013
Business Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am to 4 pm